Bahá’í Community of Naperville

User menu


Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Eggert Bahá’í School

Eggert Bahá’í School

Eggert Bahá’í School

Eggert Bahá’í School - Ayyám-i-Há Service Project - Feb 26, 2012

Feast of `Alá (Loftiness)

Eggert Bahá’í School

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Eggert Bahá’í School

OneNaperville Interfaith Dialogue Session - Sunday, Mar 11

Eggert Bahá’í School

Naw-Rúz Celebration - Mar 20, 2012

Bahá’í Nineteen Day Feast of Bahá (Splendor)

Oswego Monthly Fireside

Eggert Bahá’í School - Environmental Service Project - March 31

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Eggert Bahá’í School

Bahá’í Nineteen Day Feast of Jalal (Glory)

Lisle Annual Fundraiser

Eggert Bahá’í School

Bahá’í Annual Meeting & Election

Festival of Ridván - an EU86 Event

Eggert Bahá’í School

Eggert Bahá’í School - Ridvan Service Project - TBA

Oswego Monthly Fireside

Centenary of the Founding of the North American Bahá’í House of Worship

Centenary devotional program and archives display

Twelvth Day of Ridván (Monthly Bahá’í Devotional) - May 2, 2012

Bahá’í Nineteen Day Feast of Jamal (Beauty)

Eggert Bahá’í School

Eggert Bahá’í School

Oswego Monthly Fireside

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Fun Night for Youth/Jr Youth

Eggert Bahá’í School - Summer Service Project - June 23

Oswego Monthly Fireside

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional - July 4th Cancelled

Oswego Monthly Fireside

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Feast of Kamal (Perfection)

CANCELLED: Jump for Fun!

Oswego Monthly Fireside

Lombard - Who are the Bahá’ís

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Feast of 'Izzat (Might)

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Celebrating Unity Within Diversity: The Link Between the Bahá’í Faith and Theosophy

Feed My Starving Children, September 22nd

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Unit Convention (EU-86)

Lombard - Who are the Bahá’ís

Feast of 'Ilm (Knowledge)

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Interfaith Social Justice Film Screening

Feast of Qudrat (Power)

Lombard - Who are the Bahá’ís

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

"Education Under Fire" Documentary

Interfaith Panel Discussion

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Lombard - Who are the Bahá’ís

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Education Under Fire Viewing

Feast of Masa'il (Questions)

Lombard, An Evening of Prayer & Devotions in

Feast of Sharaf (Honor)

Fundraiser for the National Bahá’í Fund

Feast of Sultan (Sovereignty)

Feast of Sultan (Sovereignty)

Feast of Mulk (Dominion) & Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Feast of Mulk (Dominion)

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "Creation & New Beginnings"

17th Annual Ayyam-i-Há Potluck Party

Feast of 'Ala' (Loftiness)

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - Science & Religion

Feast of Bahá (Splendor)

Ḥuqúqu’lláh Deepening

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional

Feast of Jalal (Glory)

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "Stewardship of the Earth"

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional & Feast of Jamal (Beauty)

Twelfth Day of Ridván

Feast of 'Azamat (Grandeur)

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "Revelation & Calling"

Special Devotional for the Yaran

Declaration of the Báb

Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "The Nature of Prophecy"

Feast of Rahmat (Mercy)

Martyrdom of the Báb

Feast of Kalimat (Words)

Feast of Kamal (Perfection)

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional/Fireside

Post National Convention Report - CANCELLED

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional/Fireside

Feast of 'Izzat (Might) & Bi-Election

Eggert Bahá’í School

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "Building Bridges to the Holy"

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

International Day of Peace

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Feast of Mashiyyat (Will)

Eggert Bahá’í School - Social Event at "Pumpkin Fest"

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional/Fireside

One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "The Afterlife and Eternity"

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Feast of 'Ilm (Knowledge)

Eggert Bahá’í School - Holy Day Celebration

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Feast of Qudrat (Power)

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional/Fireside

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Eggert Bahá’í School - Special Service Project

Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional/Fireside

Fundraiser - National Bahá’í Fund

Eggert Bahá’í School - Field Trip

Feast of Masa'il (Questions)

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Feast of Sharaf (Honor)

World Peace Day - Interfaith

Monthly Bahá’í Devotional/Fireside

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014

Interfaith Fundraiser for the Benefit of Feed My Starving Children

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Feast of Mulk (Dominion)

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

18th Annual Ayyám-i-Há Potluck Party!

Eggert Bahá’í School - Service Project

Feast of 'Alá (Loftiness)

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Naw-Rúz / Feast of Bahá

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Feast of Jalal (Glory)

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014

Eggert Bahá’í School - Holy Day Celebration

Ridvan Celebration for the Western Suburbs

Eggert Bahá’í School - Regular Class

Twelfth Day of Ridván

Eggert Bahá’í School - Graduation

Feast of 'Azamat (Grandeur)

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014

Declaration of the Báb

Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014 - On the Bahá’í Faith

Interfaith Community Dialog - Bahá’í House of Worship

Feast of Rahmat (Mercy)

Feast of Kalimat (Words)

Feast of Kamal (Perfection)

IL-3 Cluster Reflection Coffee House

Interfaith Women's Summer Book Club

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School-Registration and Picnic

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014 - Freedom and The Law

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Feast of Mashiyyat (Will)

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

2014 Unit Convention - EU86

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Interfaith Community Dialog - 2014 - Dependence and Gratitude

Feast of 'Ilm (Knowledge)

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Birth of the Bab - Celebration

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Feast of Qudrat (Power)

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

2nd Annual Interfaith Music Feast - 2014

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Devotional at Lewis's Residence

IL-3 Cluster Reflection Coffee House

Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School Loaves and Fishes Service Project

Devotional at Lewis's Residence

Feast of Masa'il (Questions)

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Interfaith Community Dialog - Planning Session for 2015

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

10th Annual World Peace Day

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

2015 Interfaith Dialague

February 15th Sunday School Cancelled, Please Join Us Instead for Feed My Starving Children Service Project

Ayyam-i-ha Service Project

19th Annual Ayamm'i'ha Potluck

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Feast of 'Ala' (Loftiness)

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

Annual Election (LSA)

1st Day of Ridvan Celebration

Ridvan Cluster Celebration

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School

9th day of Ridvan & Feast

Eggert Baha'i Sunday School-Graduation Program

Declaration of the Bab

Ascention of Baha'u'llah

Baha'i Sunday School Regestration & Picnic

2015 Unit Convention - EU086

Ascension of Abdul'baha

Baha'i Sunday School

Baha'i Sunday School: Naw Ruz

Baha'i Sunday School - Graduation

Devotional Program and Discussion

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Light to the World - Potluck and Movie

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Race Amity Day celebration at Central park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Donuts and Devotions in Central Park

Birth of Bahá’u’lláh

Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Feast of 'Alá' (Loftiness)

Monthly Devotional & Discussion

Feast of 'Bahá' (Splendour)

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Spiritual Responses to Nature and the Environment

Feast of ‘Azámat (Grandeur)

Declaration of the Báb

Racy Amity Day Celebration

Feast of 'Raḥmat' (Mercy)

Donuts and Devotions

Feast of 'Kamal' (Perfection)

Screening of the movie Origin

Naperville Interfaith Community to Celebrate 20th Annual World Peace Day Prayer Service

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Ayyam-i-Ha Potluck Celebration in Aurora

Winter Donuts and Devotional

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Winter Donuts and Devotional

Winter Donuts and Devotional

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Declaration of the Báb

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Devotional and Discussion Gathering

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Feast of 'Alá' (Loftiness)

Local Assembly Election

12th. Day of Ridvan Celebration

Declaration of the Báb

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Feast of 'Alá' (Loftiness)

Local Assembly Election

Declaration of the Báb

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Local Assembly Election

Declaration of the Báb

Declaration of the Báb

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Feast of 'Alá' (Loftiness)

Declaration of the Báb

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Declaration of the Báb

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Feast of 'Alá' (Loftiness)

Declaration of the Báb

Feast of Sultán (Sovereignty)

Declaration of the Báb

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