Bahá’í Community of Naperville

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One Naperville - Interfaith Dialogues - "Building Bridges to the Holy"


DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church
1828 Old Naperville Rd
Naperville, IL
1:30-4pm, DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church
Event date: 
Sun, Sep 8


Topic:  Building Bridges to the Holy - that is, what are the many varied ways we bring the holy and sacred into our daily lives, who or what have been our bridges, and when have we ourselves been or built bridges for others.  Following our session, at 4pm, everyone is cordially invited to the dedication of the UU's new sanctuary. The Rev. Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, will join us and deliver the sermon.  Rev. Morales has been an active leader nationally in immigration and other social justice issues. Rev. Morales will help us dedicated this new space as a place for peace and justice, respectful dialogue, and community building. 

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