Bahá’í Community of Naperville

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Mon, Jan 20

2024 DuPage River Sweep

On the morning of Saturday, May the 4th, 22 members and friends of the Baha'is of Naperville participated in this year's DuPage River Sweep and cleaned a stretch of the DuPage River. Trash and many invasive plants were removed and disposed during this event. Light snack was provided and Marigolds were offered as a token of appreciation to each volunteer. 

Ayyam-i-Ha Party

Ayyam-i-Ha Party in Aurora

On February 24th, Baha`is of Naperville joined this year’s celebration of Ayyam-i-Ha, hosted by the Aurora Baha`i community at the Prisco Community Center. Believers and friends of the faith, from surrounding communities, enjoyed delightful home cooking in this potluck event.

Days 4 Girls

Community Impact Project - Days for Girls

Baha`is of Naperville participated in a Community Impact Project focused on period poverty hosted at College of Du Page, in the afternoon of February 23. Participants assembled sanitary kits for women and girls, which included both disposable and washable feminine hygiene products. These kits will be distributed by food pantries in the Chicago metro area.

Race Amity Gathering

The Baha`is of Naperville sponsored a Race Amity gathering at the Nichols Library on the afternoon of Saturday, January 27th. Friends of the faith as well as Baha`is from Naperville and surrounding communities joined this event for discussion, fellowship and refreshments, and to learn about the origins of Race Amity Day. Race Amity Day is an annual celebration of the interracial partnerships that have been battling for racial justice and equity for generations.

Springbrook Prairie Restoration

Springbrook Prairie Restoration

Baha`is of Naperville and friends from surrounding communities volunteered on December 2,2023 at Springbrook Prairie Restoration work day. They helped remove invasive species to restore the prairie to its original native plants. This helps to restore the habitat for native wildlife. It also helps with water management and prevention of flooding in our community.

Race Amity Day Picnic

Race Amity Day Picnic

A Race Amity Day picnic was held on June 11th at Central Park in downtown Naperville. The picnic was sponsored by the Baha'is of Naperville and 41 people attended from diverse backgrounds. A brief program started off the picnic in the pavilion, where the proclamation from the DuPage County Board was read by Jim Percic, founder of Illinois Citizens for Race Amity. The DuPage County Board proclaimed June 11th Race Amity Day, and Jim gave a brief description of the origins of Race Amity Day.

River Cleanup Sweep

2023 Du Page County River Sweep

The Baha'is of Naperville participated in this year's DuPage County River Sweep as part of a city-wide effort of 250 volunteers across 7 sites along the DuPage River in Naperville. We were a group of 23 volunteers who helped to clean up the river at Pioneer Park near downtown Naperville. We picked up debris and pulled invasive species. We collected 48 bags of trash. Everyone who participated was given a marigold to take home and plant from the Baha`is of Naperville.

Naperville Prairie Restoration

Baha'i's Volunteer on 10/22 to Aid the Environment

On a lovely Fall day, the Naperville Bahai's and other volunteers gathered at Springbrook Prairie to assist the environment by gathering native seeds.  In Illinois less than 1 percent of native prairies remain, making this an important effort. Springbrook Prairie contains the largest grassland community in DuPage County, and has one of the healthiest streams in the area" according to the Forest Preserve District website.  1829 acres of homeland to many species of birds, animals, and insects - it is a reflection of the gift God has given us on our planet earth.

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