Bahá’í Community of Naperville

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10th Annual World Peace Day


Naperville, IL
2:30: Wentz Concert Hall on the campus of North Central College
Event date: 
Thu, Jan 1

Dear fellow inter-faith friends, The final preparations are being made for this year’s 10th anniversary World Peace Day Inter-Faith Prayer Service that will take place on Thursday, January 1st at 2:30 pm in the Wentz Concert Hall on the campus of North Central College in Naperville. The theme for our 2015 prayer event is, “Sparking Courage in a Fearful World.” At this time we are seeking co-sponsors for this prayer service. If your faith community would like to be listed as a co-sponsor of this year’s event, please send me the name of your congregation (as you would like it to appear in our promotional materials). Co-sponsorship of this event commits your faith community to: 1. A willingness to promote the event in your faith community and encourage attendance at the service. We will be providing you with a promotion flyer in early December. 2. A willingness to be listed as a co-sponsor in promotional materials, press releases and the event program. 3. A willingness to bring cookies and/or refreshments for the reception following the service. Please contact Rhoda Sifri to let her know what you plan to bring. 4. If possible, a donation of $25 to help cover costs. Checks should be made out to:  NILA and sent to: Bernie Newman, NILA Treasurer, c/o Congregation Beth Shalom, 772 West Fifth Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563.  THE DEADLINE FOR CO-SPONSORSHIP IS DECEMBER 15th. Thank you so much for your consideration. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.