Bahá’í Community of Naperville

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Subscribers may be Baha'is or they may be friends of the Faith.
All must include first and last name, city, state/province, and country to have a successful enrollment. Communicate with the administrators by emailing:
Subscribers may be Baha'is or they may be friends of the Faith. All must include first and last name, city, state/province, and country to have a successful enrollment. Communicate with the administrators by emailing:
The Naperville Bahá’í community represents the local neighborhood of followers of the global, religious community called the Bahá'í Faith.  Founded in 1844, the Bahá'í Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent, monotheistic religions and includes over five million adherents from nearly every national, ethnic and religious background.
Our community has been in existence for more than 25 years.  It strives to serve the spiritual needs of the community by providing opportunities for prayer, spiritual education classes, interfaith discussion, and community service projects.
For information about local Baha`i activities in Northern Illinois visit
More information about the Bahá’í Faith in the United States can be found at
Information about the worldwide Bahá’í community can be found at


Recent Stories

12th Day of Ridvan

Ridvan Celebration - 12th Day

Hosted by the Lewis family, Baha`is of Naperville celebrated 12th day of Ridvan on Tuesday April 30th. Many friends from surrounding communities joined this event and were treated with a brief nature sound track along with singing of birds. Everyone enjoyed prayers chanted in Farsi and their translation in English. Children offered prayers and everyone enjoyed a beautiful musical piece at the end.

9th Day of Ridvan, 2024

Ridvan Celebration - 9th Day

Baha`is from the surrounding communities, enjoyed the celebration of 9th day of Ridvan, held at the Waubonsie Lake Park in Aurora. This potluck party was kicked off by a devotional program organized by Behnoosh and delivered by other friends on the significance of Ridvan in the faith. Prayers in Farsi and English were offered, followed by a musical performance and a song by Phillip. Many delicious dishes were shared by friends and kids enjoyed games organized by Linda.

Ayyam-i-Ha Party

Ayyam-i-Ha Party in Aurora

On February 24th, Baha`is of Naperville joined this year’s celebration of Ayyam-i-Ha, hosted by the Aurora Baha`i community at the Prisco Community Center. Believers and friends of the faith, from surrounding communities, enjoyed delightful home cooking in this potluck event.

Days 4 Girls

Community Impact Project - Days for Girls

Baha`is of Naperville participated in a Community Impact Project focused on period poverty hosted at College of Du Page, in the afternoon of February 23. Participants assembled sanitary kits for women and girls, which included both disposable and washable feminine hygiene products. These kits will be distributed by food pantries in the Chicago metro area.

Race Amity Gathering

The Baha`is of Naperville sponsored a Race Amity gathering at the Nichols Library on the afternoon of Saturday, January 27th. Friends of the faith as well as Baha`is from Naperville and surrounding communities joined this event for discussion, fellowship and refreshments, and to learn about the origins of Race Amity Day. Race Amity Day is an annual celebration of the interracial partnerships that have been battling for racial justice and equity for generations.
