Bahá’í Community of Naperville

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2024 Race Amity Day poster created by participants.
2024 Race Amity Day poster created by participants.
The Naperville Bahá’í community represents the local neighborhood of followers of the global, religious community called the Bahá'í Faith.  Founded in 1844, the Bahá'í Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent, monotheistic religions and includes over five million adherents from nearly every national, ethnic and religious background.
Our community has been in existence for more than 25 years.  It strives to serve the spiritual needs of the community by providing opportunities for prayer, spiritual education classes, interfaith discussion, and community service projects.
For information about local Baha`i activities in Northern Illinois visit
More information about the Bahá’í Faith in the United States can be found at
Information about the worldwide Bahá’í community can be found at


Recent Stories

Screening of the movie Origin

On Monday night, Baha'is of Naperville sponsored screening of the movie Origin in the Naperville public library. Bringing the movie Origin to the community, fostered meaningful discussions about the issues raised in the film and in Isabel Wilkerson's book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent, which inspired the film.

2024 Unit Convention

This year’s National Convention was held on Sunday, October 6th, at the Prisco Community Center, hosted by the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Naperville. We had a wonderful time together, enjoying heartfelt devotional programs and engaging consultation. 

2024 Race Amity Picnic

2024 Race Amity Picnic

This year's Naperville's Race Amity Day picnic was held in the late afternoon of Sunday June 9th, and was attended by close to 100 people. Following beautiful devotions, Dr Geneace Williams, Naperville's first Manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, spoke on her work in Naperville and upcoming events to be involved in as well as the meaning and mission of Race Amity. JIm Percic explained Race amity and the growing movement in Illinois, and read the Proclamation from the DuPage County Board. Cat Gaddis and her band gave an amazing performance.

2024 DuPage River Sweep

On the morning of Saturday, May the 4th, 22 members and friends of the Baha'is of Naperville participated in this year's DuPage River Sweep and cleaned a stretch of the DuPage River. Trash and many invasive plants were removed and disposed during this event. Light snack was provided and Marigolds were offered as a token of appreciation to each volunteer. 
